Tackling Your Spring Home to Do List

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Take the guesswork out of preparing your home for spring, inside and outside, with Neighborly’s Spring Home Maintenance Checklist.

front of landscaped home

Spring is always good for giving your home a nice refresh after a long winter. Take the guesswork out of preparing your home for spring, inside and outside, with Neighborly’s Spring Home Maintenance Checklist. This resource was created by our trusted experts to help you ensure your home is ready for warmer weather. If you need a helping hand, contact Neighborly or any of its trusted home service brands.


  • Change HVAC air filters and inspect the air ducts for the buildup of mold, allergens, or debris.
  • Check all painted and finished walls for condition. Refresh or repaint walls that are outdated or need sprucing up.
  • Organize your closets, pantry, and cabinets with organizational systems that work best for you and your family. Drawer inserts, spice storage racks, and other space savers can make a big difference.


  • Check your lawn equipment and make sure it is in operable condition.
  • Wash your windows. Cleaning the inside and outside will allow the sun to shine through.
  • Spray for pests. Pests typically pop back up in the spring, so it is always best to take preventative measures, so you don't have any little bugs running around. Start your mosquito and tick control service.
2023 spring checklist

Use this checklist to get into a seasonal home maintenance routine that keeps your home in great shape. Just remember to do what works best for you. If you need a helping hand, contact any of the Neighborly home service brands for results you can trust.

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